Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Addictions; things you cannot live without.

Perfume - Look in my room... There is probably more than fifteen bottles of perfume

Spaggethi O's- I may be sixteen but I still find them delicious

Strawberry Dr pepper - I've been to sonic so many times to get one the worker knows me

Gummy watermelons - I can down those within ten minutes nbd

Camera - Self explanitory 

Best friends - We would all go insane without them... Or I guess they're the ones making us insane. So, we would be normal?

My phone - Sad, but true

Romantic/Comedies/Horror Movies- Gotta love me some love or humor or death...  

Fantasy Books- Have to get away from the world at some point in life

Music/Singing- A different way to express your self

Photography- A way to capture the moment

Sports- Preferably football and basketball... The way to show my manly side. haha

Boys - Yep...

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