Sunday, November 27, 2011


What is a stirring? 
A stirring is a feeling you get in the pit of your stomach (maybe its those butterflies)
What causes them? Usually the male species, or just being hormonal. PMS anyone?
If you have ever read the book "the giver" you will know exactly what these stirrings are.

by me.
As I looked upon the slits in my wrist I think of a time when I was normal...
Then I looked at his six pack and thought, 'mmh'
And thus the stirrings began.
Thank you.

This was a poem me and my friends made up... No, I'm not that depressed. 

What can cure this?
1) a boy
2) lying in a heap of mess (aka fetal position)
3) ice cream, friends... and usually a lot of obnoxious crying. 

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha that poem is categorized as classic beef literature!
